Thursday, July 7, 2011

Chemistry Homework #3- Pg 151

Pg 151 #1-8

1.     List two resources typically found in each of three major “spheres” of Earth.
a.     Atmosphere: Variable amounts of Water (H2O) and Carbon Dioxide (CO2)
b.     Hydrosphere: Small amounts of Magnesium (Mg) and Sulfur (S)
c.      Lithosphere (crust): Coal and Oil

2.     A. List and briefly describe three major parts of the lithosphere.
a.     Crust: the outer layer of the Earth
b.     Mantle: The region of the earth's interior between the crust and the core, believed to consist of hot, dense silicate rocks
c.      Core: The dense central region of a planet

B. Which layer serves as the main storehouse of chemical resources used in manufacturing consumer products?
       a.    The crust is the main storehouse for consumer products

3.     Identify the nation that produces the most:
a.     Silver: Mexico
b.     Copper: Japan
c.      Tin: China

4.     According to the information in Table 2.3 on page 136, which of these four nations—the United States, Australia, China, or Brazil—produces the largest masses of the eight listed resources in the table?
a.     China produces the largest masses of the eight resources listed in the table.
5.     How do minerals differ from ores?
a.     Minerals differ from ores because ores are naturally occurring rock or mineral that can be mined and from which it is profitable to extract metal or other material, while minerals are one of the parts in a mixture of components.
6.     What factors determine the feasibility of mining a particular metallic ore at a certain site?
a.     Quantity of useful ore found at the site
b.     The percent of metal in the ore
c.      The type of mining and processing needed to extract the metal from its ore
d.     The distance between the mine and the metal-refining facilities and markets.
e.     The metal’s supply-versus-demand status
f.      The environmental impact of the mining and metal processing

7.     A nineteenth-century gold mine, inactive for over 100 years, has recently reopened for further mining. What factors may have influenced the decision to reopen the mine?
a.     The metal in the mine has become more in demand within that time period, so they open the mine in order to obtain more of that metal to supply to the people.

8.     What is meant by referring to the quantity of “useful ore” at the site?
a.     What is meant is that useful ore is the ore that can be used to get metal out of and melted down for whatever uses. 

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