Sunday, July 17, 2011

Chemistry Homework #8

stainless steel plate

Destroying superconductivity by increasing the magnetic field. 

Pg 204 #7-13

7.    What is an alloy?
a.     An alloy is a solid combination of atoms of two or more metals.

8.    Give examples of two alloys you use regularly. (Hint: See Table 2.7, page 194).
a.     Steel
b.    Bronze

9.    What nonmetal is a component of both steel and stainless steel? (Hint: See table 2.7, page 194)
a.     Carbon

10. Give the formula, use, and an important physical property of an alloy that is also a well-defined compound.
a.     Ni3Al
b.    A component of jet aircraft engines
c.     Low-density, strong metallic alloy of nickel and aluminum

11. Describe the periodic table location of elements that behave as semiconductors.
a.     The metalloids

12. List three elements commonly used for doping semiconductors.
a.     Phosphorus
b.    Arsenic
c.     Aluminum

13. What is the primary use of the products of semiconductor technology?
a.     For doping, which creates a situation in the solid silicon that allows charge carriers—either electrons or tiny regions of positive charge—to become mobilized within the crystal. 

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