Thursday, July 14, 2011

Lab Questions: Rana K, Eden L, Nia C

1. a. We can tell that not all of the copper was oxidized because the color of the sample is not uniform throughout. If it was all of the substance then it would be the same.
    b. I would heat the copper for longer or increase the temperature of the hot plate. Another idea would be to leave the crucible open wile heating so more oxygen would react with the copper.

2. a. 0.57 grams
    b. 41%

3. a. Cu 2+  + Zn --> Zn2+ (l) + Cu (s)
    b. i. zinc was oxidized
        ii. copper was reduced
        iii. Zinc was the reducing agent
        iv. copper wass the oxidizing agent

4. a. the solution turned a white-ish gray color after we added the zinc. The zinc immediately started fizzing and releasing heat and the copper ions in the solution started forming on the surface of the zinc rock
    b. the reaction of the zinc and copper caused this. The zinc is oxidizing causing the copper to reduce and this reaction causes the zinc to turn brown because of the pure copper. As an ion copper is blue ish color so the solution of HCL reacts accordingly with copper.
    c. it should be a clear color instead of cloudy because of the lack of copper ions

5.a. zinc was used up during this and HCl.
   b. it went into the HCL solution

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