Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Unit 1A Vocab

·      PURITY: clarity, clean

·      FILTRATION: when solid particles are separated from a liquid by passing a mixture through a material that retains the solid particles and allows the liquid to pass through

·      FILTRATE: the liquid collected after the water has been filtered

·      ADSORBS: attracting and holding many substances that could give water a bad taste on its surface.

·      PURIFIED WATER: clean, clear, drinkable

·      PERCENT RECOVERY: the percent of the original sample is recovered.

·      HISTOGRAM: shows the percent recovery obtained by all the laboratory groups

·      RANGE: the difference between the largest and smallest values in the data set

·      AVERAGE: adding all the values together and dividing the sum by the total number of values

·      MEAN: average

·      MEDIAN: middle value

·      ELECTRICAL CONDUCTIVITY: the presence of dissolved, electrically charged particles in water.

·      TYNDALL EFFECT: shows the purity of the water sample.

·      WATER CYCLE: hydrologic cycle; water falls as rain or snow, the rest flows back into large bodies of water, evaporates into the air, and falls again.

·      DIRECT WATER USE: water use that can be directly measured

·      INDIRECT WATER USE: hidden uses of water

·      GASEOUS STATE: water vapor

·      LIQUID STATE: lakes, rivers, oceans, clouds, rain

·      SOLID STATE: ice

·      SURFACE WATER: water that originated in a body of water.

·      GROUND WATER: water that originated in a well; must be pumped to the surface

·      AQUIFER: a water-bearing layer of rock, sand, or gravel

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