Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Water Pollution or Water Shortage??

I believe that Water Pollution is worse than water shortage. Polluted water involves any toxins that can harm humans or the environment. Water pollution is worse because with polluted water, it can make the people who drink it sick with diseases, like in third-world countries, where  many people are dying due to the inability to have clean water. Also, the environment is affected because polluted water gets into main water systems like oceans and can badly affect the animals who live there or the plant wildlife it comes into contact with. 


  1. I agree that water pollution is the more pressing issue because more people die every year of contaminated water than from not enough water to drink.

  2. ehhh i wouldnt say so miss katie

  3. Water Shortage is worse(period)

  4. Water shortages are definitely worse because we have so much technology available to purify the water..

  5. Nia, very good point, especially with the third world countries.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. but many more people would die if there were no water at all... with water pollution there are ways to fix it, but if there is little or no water at all there isnt much you can do

  8. I disagree with your statement. As we have learned many times in school, water=life, and without water, there is no life. The question is not what makes people sick, yes, water pollution is bad, but having polluted water is better than not having any at all. We witnessed the horrifying third world countries who were suffering from lacking water, from having to wait in line for days for a few drips of water from a faucet. Although this water made them sick because it was polluted, they had water to work with. Even though tablets were too expensive for some people to afford, it was a way to make water suitable for drinking. A way was developed by a man in India to use UV lights to clean the most polluted water-- this saved many lives and improved the quality of millions of people's lifestyles. These people explained that without water, they would die, so even though their water was polluted, they HAD to drink it. The UV light treatment would not have been posible to develop if there was not any water to work with. We NEED water. Water CAN be purified and recycled. Water shortage is worse, I rest my case :)

  9. I agree with you Nia. You know what your talking about! Along with the phrase "water, water everywhere", if all the water around us is not clean then it is toxic and it does kill millions. People may argue that the water can easily be filtered, but as we are seeing, it is not! Especially in India, this dirty water is a big problem. People do not want to pay for the filtration and although yes, some generous man set up a UV light filter, thats only one place that needed help and that would not help nearly enough people who are lacking water. People do not want to pay to filter the water and the clean water is being "stolen" by private water companies

    "i rest my case"

  10. the technology of today can pretty much eliminate all toxins and once we get rid of pollution by filtration and other steps to improve water and realize that water is running out. Everyone will DIIIEEEEEEEE because there will be nothing to drink at all. thanks! ;)

  11. I disagree with your statement. As we have learned many times in school, water=life, and without water, there is no life. The question is not what makes people sick, yes, water pollution is bad, but having polluted water is better than not having any at all. We witnessed the horrifying third world countries who were suffering from lacking water, from having to wait in line for days for a few drips of water from a faucet. Although this water made them sick because it was polluted, they had water to work with. Even though tablets were too expensive for some people to afford, it was a way to make water suitable for drinking. A way was developed by a man in India to use UV lights to clean the most polluted water-- this saved many lives and improved the quality of millions of people's lifestyles. These people explained that without water, they would die, so even though their water was polluted, they HAD to drink it. The UV light treatment would not have been posible to develop if there was not any water to work with. We NEED water. Water CAN be purified and recycled. Water shortage is worse, I rest my case :

  12. yes chase that is correct, the rest WRONG

  13. Eva- you didn't get the bigger picture: WE NEED WATER. WATER CAN BE CLEANED. AND NO, RECYCLED WATER ISN'T DIRTY.

    by the way, the UV light filter has shown that polluted water can be clean and made fit to use, your evidence is contradictory with your statement.

