Sunday, June 26, 2011

Unit 1C Vocab

·      SATURATED: when crystals of a substance will remain undissolved- as a solid- on the bottom of the container, no matter how long you vigorously stir

·      SOLUBILITY: the maximum quantity of substance that will dissolve in a certain quantity of water at a specified temperature

·      SOLUBILITY CURVE: the graphical representation of the relationship of the water temperature when it changes from 0 degrees Celsius to 100 degrees Celsius.

·      UNSATURATED SOLUTION: a solution that contains less dissolved solute than the amount that the solvent can normally hold at that temperature.

·      SUPERSATURATED SOLUTION: when you can cool a saturated solution without causing any solid crystals to form, producing an unstable solution that contains more solute than could usually be dissolved at that temperature.

·      POLAR MOLECULE: has an uneven distribution of electrical charge, which means that each molecule has a partial positive region at one end and a partial negative region at the other end.

·      CONCENTRATION: refers to how much solute is dissolved in a specific quantity of solvent or solution.

·      PERCENT: parts solute per hundred total parts (solute plus solvent)

·      PARTS PER MILLION: an expression of concentration; the number of units of solute found in one million units of solution (0.0010% = 10 ppm)

·      PARTS PER BILLION: an expression of concentration; the number of units of solute found in one billion units of solution (0.00010% = 10 ppb)

·      HEAVY-METAL IONS: their atoms have greater masses than those of essential metallic elements and are harmful to humans and other organisms.

·      GREEN CHEMISTRY: prevents pollution by eliminating the production and use of hazardous substances.

·      pH  SCALE: a convenient way to measure and report the acidic, basic, or chemically neutral character of a solution.

·      ALKALINE: basic solutions

·      ACIDS: made up of molecules including one or more hydrogen atoms that can be released rather easily in water solution.

·      BASES: ionic substances that include hydroxide ions (OH-)

·      MOLECULAR SUBSTANCES: substances that dissolve in water but not as ions.

·      ELECTRONEGATIVITY: the ability of an element’s atoms to attract shared electrons when bonding within a compound.

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