Monday, June 20, 2011

Water Diary Questions

Pg 20-21 #1-7

1.     The total water volume (in liters) used by my household during the three days was 7,898 Liters.

2.     In one day on average, one member of my household used 499 Liters per day


4.     The range of the average daily personal water use within my class was 447 Liters/ person.

5.     MEAN: 447 liters/person
MEDIAN: 477 liters/person.
The median was a better expression of the central tendency for this data.

6.     The reasons why there is a difference between my value and the national average value is because I had guests over when I found the averages for the three days, this caused more water use within my home.

7.     The class average is closer because it had more values to be added together with more of a variety of numbers, which caused it to be closer than my own value. 

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