Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Chemistry Homework #8- Pg 56

Pg 56 #1-3

1.     A. What mass (in grams) of potassium nitrate will dissolve in 100g of water at 60 degrees Celsius?
a.     105 grams of potassium nitrate.

B. What mass (in grams) of potassium chloride will dissolve in 100g of water at the same (60 degrees Celsius) temperature?
a.     45 grams of potassium chloride

2.    A. You dissolve 25 g potassium nitrate in 100 g water at 30 degrees Celsius, producing an unsaturated solution. How much more potassium nitrate (in grams) must be added to form a saturated solution at 30 degrees Celsius?
a.     20 grams of potassium nitrate

      B. What is the minimum mass (in grams) of 30 degrees Celsius water   needed to dissolve 25 g potassium nitrate?
             a.   56 grams of water  

3.    A. A supersaturated solution of potassium nitrate is formed by adding 150 g potassium nitrate to 100 g water, heating until the solute completely dissolves and then cooling the solution to 55 degrees Celsius. If the solution is agitated, how much potassium nitrate will precipitate
a.     55 g potassium nitrate
            B. How much 55 degrees Celsius water would have to be added (to the original 100 g of water) to just dissolve all of the potassium nitrate?
                  a.  60 g water

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